No words can add to the captured beauty of the desert sunrise. In a moment there, and then gone, lost if not viewed in a brief instant. The hues of the sky changed in what seemed to be seconds.
I begin my career last semester by enrolling in a beginning black/white film class. I basically had never really taken photos before.
I always had someone else take the photo, that I later would paint.
(Read blog entry called Spider Web)
As I began the class with an old Canon 35mm EOS Rebel,I found that I really enjoyed photography; the solitude of not only shooting, but the quietness of hours spent in the dark room perfecting the print. I was learning the skills to be able to express on the print the mood, the feelings that lead me captured with the click of the shutter that chosen moment. Now I'm here at the beginning, a second beginning learning the art of digital photography.
Not being very proficient with computer skills, or for that matter my knowing almost next to nothing about how to use my camera, this is a very challenging class for me. I love it though. Be patient with me as I play catch up.
the shapes and colors are amazing!